Services and solutions in the Earth Observation field. Altimetry, passive microwaves and SAR images. Radar and data processing algorithms.

LabFerrer is a SME founded in 1999. LabFerrer gathers experts in the use of sensors and instruments related to many measurable biophysic parameters. LabFerrer also offers services to help the decision making on irrigation scheduling.

A research institute that contributes to modernising, improving, boosting competitiveness, and fostering sustainable development in all areas of activity directly or indirectly related to the supply of healthy, high-quality foodstuffs to end consumers, food safety and safe processing of foodstuffs and in general enhancing the health and well-being of the population.

Emphasizing interdisciplinarity, the IRD has focused its research for over 65 years on the relationship between man and its environment, in Africa, Mediterranean, Latin America, Asia and the French tropical overseas territories.

The Observatori de l'Ebre (OE) is an institute of Ramon Llull University, with more than a hundred years of experience in geophysical research and observation in domains such as aeronomy, geomagnetism, seismology, meteorology and climatology. Currently it excels in geomagnetism, aeronomy, climate and hydrology.

The University of Carthage (UCAR), founded in 1988, is a Tunisian public institution of education and research under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The AGRHYMET Regional Centre was established in 1974 as a specialized institute of the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) composed of nine member States (Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal). It is an interstate public institute with a legal status and financial autonomy.

UCAM hosts the National Centre of Studies and Research on Water and Energy (CNEREE) and shelters the focal point of the national pole of competences on water and environment in Morocco. It is considered as a leader in the water study topics.

FOOD QUALITY is an agricultural and agri-food consulting and analysis company, specializing in irrigation, fertilization and meteorological equipment. They perform analysis of the whole agricultural process to assess and boost its productivity.

The Centre for Parasitological and Vector Studies (CEPAVE) (CONICET-UNLP) is a reference centre in scientific research on species of sanitary, socio-economic and agricultural importance, such as parasites, vectors of diseases and pests, and those relevant to the control of harmful organisms.